Judicially Enforced Receivership

Since the mid 1990s in the field of real estate law, bankruptcy administration has developed as a means of foreclosure. The difficult market situation of cash-strapped real estate property has significantly increased the legal proceedings in this field.

Brinkmann & Partner is able to use its long-term experience in the field of judicial bankruptcy administration. Our first concern is always the significant improvement of marketing the actual property. The experience and knowledge of Brinkmann & Partner in the field of judicial project management of building projects makes it possible to finalise unfinished projects within the process of a judicially enforced receivership.

The partners acting as official receivers are all members of ”Interessengemeinschaft Zwangsverwaltung e.V.” (Association of Judicially Enforced Receivership), which supports the interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge between receivers, banks and judicial officers as well as the continuous education of receivers and staff members.

Additionally, in the execution of sales by foreclosure, we provide counsel and represent the parties of the proceedings including the potential purchasers of the real property. Brinkmann & Partner has a wide range of experience in judicially enforced receivership and the execution of sales by foreclosure, which makes us an invaluable source. We are therefore able to deliver high quality legal results.